John 16:33 was one of those scriptures I learnt on my own in my early Christian journey it says; These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” 

We are living in a time where everyone is caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and the real essence of creation has been left out. You never chose God but He chose you- you were made to give Him pleasure.
If you look around now you’ll find out that the devil has gradually gained ground in the lives of many people today not because they were weak but because they gave in to his schemes and vices… open your heart to God and ask Him to work in and through it. The bible says; “out of the abundance of the heart flows the issues of life…” everything that happens or things that we do or even choices that we make stems out of the heart.
 So, work on your heart… (This wasn’t even part of today’s discussion) but I pray it has spoken to you.

I’ve been away for quite some time now, I have just been working on a lot of stuff but its all good now. These past few months has really been a time of introspection for me there were lots of things I just needed God to make clear and also fill in for me and I plan to write every bit of that experience for every follower of this blog to know that God is still in the business of doing miracles, having a relationship with His children and also listening.

Personally, I just feel blessed and privileged for the gift of salvation I don’t know what trajectory my life would have taken if I was not saved. There is a tone of people out there, who haven’t opened their hearts to this beautiful experience of salvation, and it’s just sad. You are a walking dead if you haven’t had this encounter. This now brings me to the question of how many saved ones have made a conscious effort towards sharing this good news? Have you in any way shared this good news with anyone??

The truth is: on the last day we are all going to answer for all of these. It just feels like the saved ones only care about their “fellow” saved bruvs and sisters, No! That’s not what the Christian family is about. Let me show you; Jesus hung out with tax collectors that were exploiting people, prostitutes, perverts… every single person I just mentioned never remained the same after an encounter with Jesus—that’s remarkable. As a young Christian I know that I did not come to fit in but I came to stand out.

God’s arm is always stretched out to us  all we need to do is get a hold of it but, we are often times caught up in worry valley, anxiety aisle and doubt foyer that we forget there is a father who cares circumspectly for us. Let me show you the trick the devil uses to stop us from believing that our God is able- he blows the problem out of proportion and sends people your way that will purport his will by initiating fear in our hearts, ever had such an experience?

After secondary school here in Nigeria I’ve been home for two years now, I haven’t entered the university yet, how bad is it? Very bad! But you know what? I’ve decided to make the most out of it and give glory to God in it. In Joel  2:25-26 it says; “so I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust and the chewing locust… And praise the name of the Lord who has dealt wondrously with you; and my people shall never be put to shame. That’s going to be my story friend because God said it. Even though it’s not been a two year jolly ride but my God has been faithful. I’ve learnt total dependence on God; I’ve seen Him show up in unexpected places, I’ve also learnt to trust His heart when I can’t see His hand.

There were days when I could not pray because my head was not clear, I did not know what to even say to Him because I felt alone and cold, the thoughts of the days that were going by and me still being at home was psychologically demeaning, all I wanted was just to get into the University without any stress. There were days I cried and poured my heart to God and nothing still happened—was God not listening, I thought to myself…

My God was listening all the while; He took me through a path of re-molding and re-shaping. The relationship I have with God in these past two years is invaluable and priceless I wouldn’t have gotten that in my two years at the University. I also learnt that times and seasons are in God’s hand, I feel ready for the University now but I don’t know if God thinks I’m ready- that, I have to find out.

What you just read now is my life; sharing my struggles and weakness might not be the coolest thing to do but if somebody will learn to depend on God through my story I’m OK by it. I want you to understand that God knows your name and you are not alone… you might be saying “it’s easy for you to say”- well, it’s not. There is always a message in every mess all you have to do is trust God’s heart.

If your story is similar to mine, I call it the “Virtual Uni-experience’. Don’t stop at being the best. An aunt told me a long time ago in the early phase of this experience she said; “Itofa it’s time for you to find out God’s purpose for your life in your waiting period” then, I had no knowledge I was going to be at home for the next two years but here I am sharing my story.

Don’t put God away in your trying times and OK-times, seek Him always, you will be blown away by His plans. Remember His arm is always stretched out all you need to do is reach out to Him.

It’s been my pleasure writing and I feel privileged to be the author of this blog and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Good one dear. The wait for God is worth the wait. The distance between receiving and having is praise.God is never late.

  2. Great piece as always, Itofa! You remain an inspiration. Resting and trusting in God's timing truly is the best thing we can do for ourselves now.

  3. Great piece as always, Itofa! You remain an inspiration. Resting and trusting in God's timing truly is the best thing we can do for ourselves now.


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