Happy Bloggavasery!! photo credit: shutter bucket There is such an exhilarating feeling watching something you started and nurtured grow into something bigger than you thought or imagined. TheGodCulture-which happens to be this blog you are on now just turned 1 today, I remember explicitly how it all started there was absolutely no plan to get any award or get recognized outside my globe it was just simply Itofa wanting to share his experience as a young Christian and more so; to speak about the love of God to as many as I can through this medium-more like an odyssey of my journey in Christ. I’m so glad and grateful to God for what this blog here has become and for every single person that has a connection to it. You know; blogging is not just about writing you also need an audience and somehow God has brought you to be a part of it. All of the active and passive readers thank you so-so much even to my Muslim readers (salvation is going to come someday, I b...