Infinitesimal Mind

Infinitesimal is an English term for small- our minds are such powerful tool that anything preconceived in it can be birthed. The mind is the seat of reasoning while the heart is where emotion is played out. ‘Have a dream so big that you’ll grow up into the person who can achieve it’- anonymous. You can only go as far as your mind can take you. Let’s take the Wright brothers for instance; who would ever believe that man will fly someday? Somebody preconceived the thought and it played out in reality. We are called higher mammals because so much has been bequeathed on us. Now, let’s go to my favorite part; do you know the difference between the rich and the poor? It’s the mindset. Do you know why there is a conspicuous difference between an average student and an excellent student or genius as we call them? It’s the mindset. You see why the mind is such a powerful tool. Life is beautiful; we’ve been given so much to become what...