Have you ever had time to interact with a person inundated in sin? There is just one thing you will find out; which is how myopic (short-sighted) their hearts are… they have no clue what life is like on the sin-free zone. I decided to write this today not because my life is a 100 but because there is a need for everyone pressing for that crown of glory to always keep in mind that heaven is real! Jesus is coming soon! My lovely sister Morenike sent me a broadcast today talking about today’s youth and how we claim to love God but clearly put Him aside to do our ‘stuff’ and pick Him up again when we need Him. Jesus is not an option He is a necessity. You literally need God to get by every day, God is love. His rain falls on both the just and the unjust, His arms are open for you to come in anytime, my friend, I find it hard to picture a life without God; there is absolutely no point living. We talk about heaven and eternity all the time but you know what? Only ...