Home is not a place…

Home is not a place… I was listening to the radio this beautiful Sunday morning while I was getting the car ready for church. The OAP (on air personality) was talking about thanksgiving –I had no intention of publishing any article today, it’s been a while since I wrote anything but I trust God wanted the day to start that beautifully. How have you been?? I just got back from church a couple of hours ago; a typical Sunday for me is returning from church, get a heavy lunch and spend the rest of the day in complete solace (cool right?). So, tell me how do you spend yours?? Like I said earlier; there was no intention of writing anything today but God had something planned out, Church was great by the way. The fuel driving me to write now was the beautiful family God made me realized I was in by letting it out through my baby sister-Oj. You might be wondering; are you just realizing?? Well TBH (to be honest) I knew a long time ago but...