Ye are light of the world!

Hello everyone; how is your week going? Great week I tell you, God’s been good. Today we are going to be talking about a simple subject-- “us being a light to our world” you might be thinking; is it not this same topic I’ve heard and read like a dozen times? Hold up brother. It’s not as easy as it sounds and besides you never know what God will be saying to you this time. If you are a Christian and you’ve got no relationship with God, my friend you’ve got to go back to the drawing board and fix it, God loves you! I can’t call myself a full writer yet because what I do here is just a piece of my heart & the truth is; the fact that I write here does not make me more holy than you are and the fact that you’re the one reading this doesn’t make you less holy, it’s all grace. People see me and say all nice things like; “ Itofa, you are doing a really great job with the blog, it’s such a wonder”. As much as I will love to take the credi...