Have you ever had time to interact with a person inundated in sin? There is just one thing you will find out; which is how myopic (short-sighted) their hearts are… they have no clue what life is like on the sin-free zone. I decided to write this today not because my life is a 100 but because there is a need for everyone pressing for that crown of glory to always keep in mind that heaven is real! Jesus is coming soon!

My lovely sister Morenike sent me a broadcast today talking about today’s youth and how we claim to love God but clearly put Him aside to do our ‘stuff’ and pick Him up again when we need Him. Jesus is not an option He is a necessity. You literally need God to get by every day, God is love. His rain falls on both the just and the unjust, His arms are open for you to come in anytime, my friend, I find it hard to picture a life without God; there is absolutely no point living.

We talk about heaven and eternity all the time but you know what? Only a few people take it to heart. You hear things like; “I still got time man”. It gladdens my heart to know that a lot more people are hearing the good news today; the bible has been translated to Hindu, Chinese, Russian, and Vietnam, places we never thought God’s word will get to, it has gotten there. The fact that you go to church and you’ve raised godly kids doesn’t mean heaven is guaranteed, your life has to be a reflection of who God is. Paul speaking said; “let any man that thinks he stands take heed lest he falls”.

When I see people in church lifting holy hands my only prayer is for their hearts to truly be in sync with God, a lot of us were raised by godly parents, at some point we found Jesus and there was so much zest to serve the father, couple of years down the line that fire waned and we started playing religion- what we have today is a lot of dead Christians. I remember living like that; I only brought Jesus up with the Jesus-kind of people and will talk about profane and mundane things with the clique that is not life my friend.

The truth is sometimes I fear for my own parents and the people I really care about, heaven is not something to joke with, how prepared am I? Does all my prayer, study and write ups even count? Has my name been written in that book of life? Just what if? God forbid that after the struggle here we’ll find ourselves in eternal damnation, God forbid! Back in the day when people talked about studying the bible, this was after I got saved; I never really saw the need for it. I mean, if I don’t lie, cheat or have a girlfriend that we do illicit things together, I’m good. That’s a big fat lie.  You need God’s word to get by every day.
Let me show you in (1st Pet2:2) as new born babes we should desire the sincere milk of God’s word that by therein we may grow”.

I read my bible and I enjoy every minute of it, even when I don’t understand it. It might not be convenient or fun but I am studying to show myself approved a workman that needed not to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth (2nd Tim 3:16). Bible study makes you become like God, you are gradually been transformed from one degree of glory to another (2nd Cor3:18).

Every single day that passes there is an immense struggle to live right, the devil is not relaxing he’s shooting his fiery dart at us. We can always put the devil down by girding ourselves up with the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, loins of truth, shield of faith, sword of the spirit which is the word of God and shoding our feet with the gospel of peace, (Eph 4:10).

In a nutshell, it simply means studying. You need to study for yourself, not because your parents want you to or the church wants you to, but because you care enough to know what God is saying to you each day.

God bless you!



  1. Thank you for the gentle reminder

  2. Thank you for sharing Itofa. A powerful message that has me reflecting how prepared am I really.

    God bless brother. Thank you for sharing! :)

    1. God bless you too brother! it's so great to see you around, I trust the chruch's been coming great? have a lovely weekend

  3. This life is temporary,keeping that in mind always can be hard. But when you focus everything you do for the kingdom,when you truly turn to God-you'll realize that instant gratification isn't worth it. The lesson I got here was to be prepared always. Thanks bro.

    1. God bless you brother for stopping by, I'm glad you took something out.

  4. Thanks for sharing, man. Jesus is our only hope of eternal life. It all depends on His sacrifice for us. If our eternity depended on our own righteousness, there would be no hope for any us.

  5. Thanks for sharing, Itofa! God bless you immensely!


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