Food For Thought

No parallels I was just discussing with my mom few minutes ago about the attack in Orlando, Florida. That was a complete heinous act and I feel very sad, I pray God grants the family the fortitude to bear the loss. It’s possible some people might say the greater number of people who died belonged to the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender) community. Well, friend I want you to know that the same God who made you made this same people; they were made in His image and He loves them as much as He loves you. The difference here is you’ve seen the light but they are yet to. The saddest thing here is the fact that this people never got to accept Christ (am deeply saddened); if they had known that was going to be their last night here on earth before going to forever-land I know they would have accepted Jesus. These were great people who made wrong choices. Death is a really creepy topic to talk about but the truth is people are dying every day. Th...