AUTHORITY AND POWER Authority and power is two important subjects that work hand in hand; you can’t talk about one without touching the other. I woke up this morning with this subject in my heart, I have analyzed and dissected the topic in my head but I trust that with the help of the Holy Spirit the core message will be drawn home to you. How are you doing? It seems as though global warming took a drastic turn this year, it’s been really hot. I did take a deliberate break from blogging if you noticed, I just took out time to visit and learn from other bloggers and it’s been amazing! People are doing really amazing things for God; when you see how dedicated people are to living the life of Christ you’ll just find out that you have inadequacies - that’s basically what just happened to me in the last two weeks. Notwithstanding, I’ve picked up from where I left off ‘better’, it’s game-on guys. The literal definition of Authority ...