Reversed lens

Reflection 2 God is just too merciful, I know a lot of us would be wondering why the bad things happening are still going on, so bad that people are brutally murdered for the sake of professing Christ, my heart just breaks… This is a part 2 of Reflection . As grotesque as this may sound; I went on Youtube and for some reason I started checking all the past ISIS beheadings, I am telling you, I broke down and started crying; I just told God “forgive me father because I haven’t done enough”. Christians in the Middle East; their heads are literally being placed on a stake and decapitated, for what? Just because they love God and profess His name One of the interviews on CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) really caught my heart. A widow, her husband was part of the 21 male Christians in Egypt that ISIS beheaded, she narrated; “ we hadn’t seen him in two days and we were so worried, later that day we were shown a video of their heads being cut off, we ...