Dimension of gods!

Dimension of gods! Dimension of gods was the message that was taught in church this past Sunday and just sitting to listen to the pastor talk about this great subject was a wake-up call for young Mr. Itofa I don’t have the habit of plagiarizing peoples piece or message and turning it into my own therefore, I am going to be given this subject my own interpretation and what the Holy Spirit has been teaching me… so, take a deep breath as I take you through the journey of the dimension of gods . For a very long time now science has been trying to prove the ‘ non-existentialism of God'; a theory known as the spontaneous regeneration postulated by Aristotle was one of those theories that was put forward. It states that everything living came to birth by itself; life is inherent (paraphrasing). I have carefully and intricately studied this pattern, every time science tries to disprove the existence of God they come to a dead-end. It has remained an enigm...