Friend to the needy!

photo credit: shutterbucket I’m writing with such a heavy heart today it’s so sad to know that we have under-privileged children and adults alike suffering and we the people who know the truth and have the spirit of God in us hide under the guise of Christian practice and don’t extend a helping hand, it’s just so sad. As an individual I have seen some things I find repugnant and appalling in the place we are suppose to call Gods house, it just makes me wonder where the love is. I decided to write this post today because I want you to know that you’ve got something that could be a blessing to somebody. I’m tired of seeing and hearing this thing called “ class ” if you are reading this and you’ve got the class thing going on, you should do a reassessment again. I’m not a son of a rich man neither am I poor but I’ve got a big God; I know we are humans and we have limits to things but have you taken time to pray for a friend? If you have great! What about your nanny ...