Hash Tag ChurchOnTheStreet

Image credit: TheGodCulture Team For the past couple of days God has been laying this in my heart. To start a movement called hash tag ChurchOnTheStreet , it has been very pertinent in my heart; the bible tells us in (Mtt 9:37) ‘Then saith He unto His disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few’ . I usually hate having to watch a movie twice but I couldn’t help it when I first saw war room, Annie and God is not dead 1& 2. I was seeing God is not dead for the fourth time and just watching it again for the umpteenth time ignited such great faith in my spirit and it makes me proud to be a believer of our Lord Jesus Christ… most times I can’t just help it but fall on my knees and bless God for saving a straying sinner like myself, I often wonder what trajectory my life would have taken if there was no Jesus to give it a meaning in fact, tears of joy will intermittently roll every time I think about such a doting father! The gr...