Image CREDIT: GETTY IMAGE Hey guys, I hope you are doing great. A lot of things have been happening lately, good things if I must say I promise to keep you posted just keep your fingers crossed. So, today I decided to write about The Green Life- taking a cursory look at this picture above I couldn’t help but notice the detailing in the shot above which prompted me to write this post. Looking at the picture I could almost feel the rushing wind and the rays of the sun on my face simultaneously, not forgetting the tweeting sounds of the birds and the clapping of the branches as it casts a motion shadow on the earth beneath them; one word for this - beautiful! God in His magnanimity made nature and as a photographer I get the privilege to really appreciate all of those things in nature that the ordinary man or eyes might not see. Ever heard of the Zaire basin of central Africa or the Amazon basin of South America? All of that thick vegetation...