Am I Ready??

This world we live in is completely void and empty. All of the happiness is just a facade; the real happiness is actually up there in heaven. I am not writing one of those impulsive post- I am writing with a heavy heart, ever wondered what it will be like on the other side? Or if you’ll make that team that will be in heaven? I certainly know that very few people will be interested in this post- my goal is simple; I want you to assess yourself. A 15 year old boy just passed recently, I mean he is no more on earth, I tell you am shocked. We use to have tutorials together, we were never really friends coz I was older but I knew him and now he’s passed on, wow! I just can’t help thinking if he made it. It literally touched me to my bone marrow; I pray God fills that space in his parent and siblings heart. Maybe you know someone who has passed it can be very shocking but you know what? It can’t be disputed that there is a better home over there. This made me rea...