Turning Tables

Turning Tables Have you ever had the opportunity to wait on God? By waiting on Him I mean expecting Him to show up when nobody else believes anymore; it can be very tough I know but I’ve learnt to soak God’s word all in and act on it instead of the worlds. When Jesus said “I will send the comforter (Holy Spirit) to bring to your remembrance all I have taught you” He knew we were going to be in need of God’s word to get by each day… it can be really tough and lonely out here. Turning tables; I just needed a title that will create a picturesque view in all our minds. This happens to be the first article I am writing from school here at the University of Benin ; the Benin kingdom is a city with its own story-plenty of it. I am gradually learning to act like an undergrad and the system is also opening my eyes, University kind of gives you an invisible wing to fly but flying is an option… I have met quite a lot of fresher’s here and the enthusiasm is the same. It is s...