A PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE I remember vividly sitting up stage with my very good friend Tosin and another girl in church in front of a crowd of over a hundred and twenty as we spoke on this subject “a purpose driven life”. We were around the ages of eleven and twelve then, I think I was twelve at that time; this subject sounded really ambiguous then but after much teaching and breaking into bits by our teachers we had it at our finger tips. Trust me, the delivery was great. Now, here we are six years later and I’m writing about this same subject-“a purpose driven life”. Personally, this is one of those topics I learnt in church in my early years that established a latent cognitive domain of its own in my brain. So, what’s that one thing you learnt early while growing up that stuck with you? (While you are at it let us get right into the subject). What is A PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE? The caption explicitly explains the whole subject; it is a life driven by purpose-simpl...