Food For Thought

No parallels

I was just discussing with my mom few minutes ago about the attack in Orlando, Florida. That was a complete heinous act and I feel very sad, I pray God grants the family the fortitude to bear the loss. It’s possible some people might say the greater number of people who died belonged to the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender) community. 

Well, friend I want you to know that the same God who made you made this same people; they were made in His image and He loves them as much as He loves you. The difference here is you’ve seen the light but they are yet to.

The saddest thing here is the fact that this people never got to accept Christ (am deeply saddened); if they had known that was going to be their last night here on earth before going to forever-land I know they would have accepted Jesus. These were great people who made wrong choices.

Death is a really creepy topic to talk about but the truth is people are dying every day. The fact that it hasn’t gotten to our doorstep doesn’t change it. Once in a while I ask myself where am going to end up if I die today (creepy talk right??) God’s children are not afraid of death; you are dead if you end up in hell and eternal life is yours when you get to heaven. Walking with this consciousness helps me refrain from a lot of things but you know there are times when I’ll remain obstinate but God’s grace is always more than sufficient for me.

Orlando was the epicenter of this attack but I know that a message has been embedded in it for the whole world, Jesus is real! We were all born sinners, our righteousness is like a filthy rag before God but what has made Him loved us so much? It’s because your soul is worth more than anything the devil can offer- the wiles of the devil are very succumbing, but the bible says "you will not be tempted more than you can bear" meaning; He has already made a way of escape for every temptation all you need to do is give all of your heart to Him, talk to Him, He is your daddy. I think I’ve had more effective prayer days when I just told God the problem head-on than beating about the bush, trust me, He knows better.

Kingdom business is serious business; you are either on the train going to heaven or in a cart riding to hell. This is why am not surprised when I see the devil hustling for members that will join His crew, the devil is a bad-sharp guy, he can make all your dreams come through in a jiffy- you know why? For the harvest of souls. In Revelations it says that “men will become lovers of themselves” God chose us we did not choose Him, I was created to give God pleasure. You see, the devil gives with one hand and takes with the other hand but this is never stated in the agreement.

Sexual perversion, debauchery, murder, lasciviousness… they’ve all become the order of the day. It’s even crazy to think that we even talk about the LGBT community this is complete sodomy. Well, it’s just what the world has turned into, the church that is meant to be a place to get charged up spiritually has now turned to a political arena, a place of extortion and watered down theology,… only very, I mean very few churches are still living and I pray they don’t wax cold in Jesus name, Amen.

So what’s the biggy in all I’ve been saying- this heavenly race is personal but please help a brother, it’s allowed.

We’ve been giving a pen and a paper to write the script of our lives, where do you want to end up?

 If today was your last day on earth do you think you’ll make that train going to heaven?

 Are you scared of what people will think or make of you if you become the “church girl or boy?” take a good look at me (even if you can’t really see me), I’m having a time of my life serving Jesus-this is no joke. I’ve got the most amazing family and friends of like mind and we are turning up for Jesus one day at a time till we get the glorious crown. So, take a chill pill God’s got your back.


I pray God gives you insight into His word and life in this last days, have a blessed week


You are always in my prayers, kindly share your comments with us here we would love to hear from you.


  1. God bless you, Itofa! We are God's army to spread the gospel to the world and He's got our backs!
    Death really is a topic we run away from but nothing feels better than knowing we have eternal life in Christ. Once again, thank you very much for sharing.

  2. God bless you, Itofa! We are God's army to spread the gospel to the world and He's got our backs!
    Death really is a topic we run away from but nothing feels better than knowing we have eternal life in Christ. Once again, thank you very much for sharing.


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