Authority and power is two important subjects that work hand in hand; you can’t talk about one without touching the other. I woke up this morning with this subject in my heart, I have analyzed and dissected the topic in my head but I trust that with the help of the Holy Spirit the core message will be drawn home to you.

How are you doing? It seems as though global warming took a drastic turn this year, it’s been really hot. I did take a deliberate break from blogging if you noticed, I just took out time to visit and learn from other bloggers and it’s been amazing! People are doing really amazing things for God; when you see how dedicated people are to living the life of Christ you’ll just find out that you have inadequacies - that’s basically what just happened to me in the last two weeks. Notwithstanding, I’ve picked up from where I left off ‘better’, it’s game-on guys.

The literal definition of Authority and Power:

Power – The ability to coerce, influence or control.
Authority - The power to enforce rules or give orders.

Now, let’s see what the bible says about God’s power:
3 His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness   through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence. 4 by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, that through these you may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of passion, and become partakers of the divine nature. (2nd pet 1:3-4)

Let’s begin…

When you were born, you were born into a world whose default state was ‘sin’. Sin had a rein on everybody living in the confine of its territory. Looking at it systematically; having been a slave of sin it’ll be fair for these same people to just rot in hell. But, a loving God looked down on you and me and said no! He couldn’t let His own very creation made in His image just go down the lake of fire and perish forever. So, He sent His only son Jesus Christ into the world to die for the whole of mankind and his precious blood was used for the remission (total cleansing) of our sins. What a powerful demonstration of love, Jesus qualified us for eternity. Halleluiah!

I am confident of who I am going to become you should too; most people are unaware of the fact that ‘the devil is not as powerful as he seem’. Am going to be paraphrasing; ‘the devil is not as powerful as you are’. You should understand that you are made in the image and likeness of our God (do you have any idea what that means?) please refer to the bible text above again… you have the power to heal the sick, raise the dead, you can turn life situations around by reason of your word… I can go on and on. The power God placed in you is what makes the devil afraid of you and powerless, unknowing to many Christians. Sin is the only thing the devil uses in getting to God’s children, it is like a rope that binds you up and it is controlling you.

As beautiful as life is - very few people enjoy it; the devil has succeeded in getting so many people into his camp, now the very few left are the people who have life. You can have the best cars, live in the most exquisite mansions, and go on all of the vacation trips you want to go on – that doesn’t qualify you to life. What qualifies you to life my friend is this; when you go to bed and you close your eyes and there is this inexplicable peace and joy that you feel and you know for a fact that your heart is right and in sync with God and if it happens that you draw your last breath on that bed you know for a fact that heaven is where you are headed - this is life my friend, this is life. I want you to clamor for this kind and nothing more.

Funny enough every single one of us have towed this path of misconstrue that says ‘to have a good life you have to be rich, famous and powerful’; who propounded this crazy idea? The devil of course, I don’t need to be rich, famous and powerful to have a good life-period. What’s the world’s definition of success? Becoming famous, rich and powerful… I don’t dispute this but is this really success?

Oral Robert, A.A Allen, Kenneth Hagin, Billy Graham, John Wesley, these are amazing men who were famous, powerful, and of course rich. This is to show you that I have nothing against been rich and famous and the likes. When you look at these men they all point to one man Jesus. Their lives had a huge impact in the lives of others and it still does, people were healed, blessed and saved through these men. Now, that’s success. 

‘I don’t want to be one of fames victim, make a name for myself and not make a difference’. –Andy Mineo

…I have totally gone off the topic, my goodness! I trust God wanted someone to read that, I pray it blesses you.

The beautiful thing about Authority and Power is this; you can affect lives and turn situations around by exercising your God-given power coupled with the authority you have in Christ Jesus. Remember Jesus’ blood qualified us; it wasn’t by your self- righteousness. Paul writing in one of his epistles says ‘if any man boast let him take heed lest he falls’- did you get that? It’s never by your works.

The whole silver lining here is this; ‘circumstances surrounding you should not determine the kind of life you’ll live or the decisions you make’ remember; ‘we are in this world but not of this world’.

Let me share a personal testimony:

Studying Medicine has been a dream for me and in Nigeria the foremost prerequisites are Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math and English. But, in my final O’level exam I failed Chemistry; I got a ‘D’. Psychologically traumatized, I applied to take the exam a second time and guess what? I got an ‘F’. It was tough for me facing people and having to tell them that I failed a subject twice and to top it all I was a science student- so you can imagine. This experience took a toll on me, but the best part was that it drew me closer to God and I learnt humility a great deal. It was in this period I first learnt about Authority and Power.  God opened my eyes to who I was in Him and all of the confusion, shame and frustration was lost in Him. I studied and declared the grade I wanted, guess what? Supernatural understanding came with enthusiasm to study. So, I applied to take the exam a third time and this time I got an ‘A’, with a deep sense of appreciation I give all the glory to God because I still can’t point out how it happened. God changed my whole orientation towards studying and studying has become a beautiful experience for me.

My friend, the secret to working in Authority and Power is to know who you’re in God first. This is done by creating a long-lasting relationship with God. Been called a Christian is not enough, study His word for yourself and watch as you grow in Him,  this way the devil will be unable to feed you with lies and you will live in God’s promise.

God bless you!



  1. It is great that we have that God given power and authority through Jesus.

    I have taken off blogging on my running site during Lent myself, but just last night I registered a domain that would tie in with the messages I share at church.

    Here it is

    God bless you Itofa.

  2. This post really moved me bro,
    To think it was related to what was taught in church this sunday, we talked about Gideon and God using anyone so long as they recognize the God in them. Truly speaking Dr Itofa..your level of maturity ceases to amaze me, God is preparing you for bigger things-things you will make it..he always works in mysterious ways. Keep doing what you do fam.
    You're a God-centred life inspiration,
    God bless.


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