I am Gideon!

I pretty much just sat back laughing while I read the story of Gideon. A very honest man I must tell you, while reading closely I tried to pay intricate detail to the patterns The Holy Spirit left off. If you read His story from the end and back to the top, you will most certainly be sure Gideon was a really fit guy! Very fit, muscular - macho in today's colloquial term but guess what?! he was not, not even close!

Why Did God still choose Gideon?

Let me give you a backdrop of Gideons Story!

God had saved the children of Israel from Egypt and brought them into the promised land, finally these people were settled and happy but you know what?! They forgot about God and started out by worshipping idols. This single act made God angry at them (Judges 6-8) and He caused the Medianites and all their neighbors to trample on them, not too long they cried to God for a savior again and this was how Gideon came in the picture.

I can't even imagine the expression on Gideon's face when the Angel of the Lord appeared before him and told him he would be Israel's deliverer, he was a wine thresher that was all he did -“ I am unworthy " in his words.

Church On The street
Are you like Gideon? I know I am.

God doesn't pick the qualified, he picks the least qualified and equips them so the glory can return to Him. Is there any slight chance you have a dream in your heart and all the facts and resources around you clearly states that it is impossible?! Trust me I know what you are talking about! There was absolutely no way Gideon could have led a whole army, this guy wasn't even trained!... 

God sets fire and passion in our hearts so we can bless the world. If God put that dream there He will make away, stop travelling this road of anxiety. The interesting part about Gideon was his great sense of humour, he had asked God for a sign to be sure no one was messing with his mind; God gave him the first sign and he froze (the Bible did not tell us this part but  I'm just assuming) he asked for another sign but this time the reverse of the first sign and God made it happen again that was not even all, God needed Gideon to know He was God and so He asked Gideon to cut his army from over a thousand to just 300! What??  Just 300?!  An inexperienced soldier going to face a whole batallion troop with just three hundred funny looking men; Heey! That's the God we serve. He will use the debased things to confound the supposed wise.

Has God clearly given you an instruction? Why are you struggling. I'm pretty sure you know how many years Noah got laughed at, 120years. It took that long for it to Rain for the ark to make much sense. If My God has given you an idea please run with it!

God gave me an idea to start a Non profit- notice the grammer ‘Non profit' nobody was going to ever pay me. I had a few uncles who said; “why Non profit" do something else.  In the early months of starting out it was pretty rough, I wasn't sure at all if I heard God anymore, I was only 19! I had no experience and just like Gideon I am not qualified to take up such huge cause.

Guess what?! That single idea has gone to touch the lives of over a Thousand children. It has gone international and I'm still wondering am I still the same guy?! But of course God qualifies those He calls.

In the end, you and I mate are all Gideon. Not qualified but chosen for a great cause! Talk to God and never let fear stop you.

If this blessed you, I will like you to tap on the SHARE icon and be sure to drop a comment always looking forward to hearing from you!



  1. awsome! This has surgery encouraged me! I trust in God!

  2. Wow...
    Director I love this
    More Grace sir

  3. Definitely talked to me. More Ink bro!

  4. Uncertaintity has always been a major setback. While we look at Jesus, let us run with the idea He has given us because in totality we will be touching the world around us. Thank you sir for this.


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