Infinitesimal Mind

Infinitesimal is an English term for small- our minds are such powerful tool that anything preconceived in it can be birthed. The mind is the seat of reasoning while the heart is where emotion is played out.

‘Have a dream so big that you’ll grow up into the person who can achieve it’- anonymous.

You can only go as far as your mind can take you. Let’s take the Wright brothers for instance; who would ever believe that man will fly someday? Somebody preconceived the thought and it played out in reality. We are called higher mammals because so much has been bequeathed on us.

Now, let’s go to my favorite part; do you know the difference between the rich and the poor? It’s the mindset. Do you know why there is a conspicuous difference between an average student and an excellent student or genius as we call them? It’s the mindset. You see why the mind is such a powerful tool. Life is beautiful; we’ve been given so much to become whatever we want to be. Your dream is your passport into the future so dream big!
That brings me to a story I’ll love to share. Late last year I had the privilege of talking to a pretty small crowd of kids and teenagers alike, it was an impromptu one. I literally had no idea what I was going to tell these kids and teens and the few adults who were sitting around but trust the Holy spirit, I started out by sharing experiences I’ve had as a young adult, told them about Jesus of course. The next thing that came out of my mouth was dream big! I had no idea where it came from and why but I just built on it, you won’t believe it, the whole atmosphere changed it felt like there was a breath of fresh air and everyone just lightened up. I just knew immediately that God was doing something.

So, how does this story concern me? It’s simple, no matter how bad or how messy you think your life is right now, dream big! No matter how bleak you think your future is, still dream big! If you think your health is taking a toll on you, my friend dream big! No matter how impoverished your family is right now or maybe you’re in a financial turmoil, dream big! You know why I’m confident? It’s because God’s got your back any day and any time. Dreams necessarily don’t have to be; to own a private jet, own mansion or whatever. It could be as simple as getting healed from an ailment, becoming a light to your world, having an excellent spirit, a person who’s got an amazing relationship with God- so, dream big! These things might sound like unnecessary and small stuff but I tell you this is what will give you the private jets and mansions.

Infinitesimal minds can’t break the status quo because they’ve set invisible limits and boundaries which they can’t break through.

 As a child of God I am an heir of God and joint heir with Jesus Christ (Rom 8:16). Do you have any idea how much power you have on the inside of you? You can shake nations and kings will come to your rising. Walking in this consciousness that I carry Jesus on the inside of me makes me a walking wonder! In the days of worry don’t just sit back feeling lethargic but praise and give God thanks. Be anxious for nothing… (Phil 4:6).

We are talking about the infinitesimal mind; how big do you think your God is? And how small do you think your mind is?
I want to give us a vivid explanation of the supernaturalism of an ordinary man: when you accept Christ you’ve automatically become a new creature, old things are passed away and all things have become new (2nd Cor 5:17), you’ve become a citizen of heaven- hallelujah! Jesus’ blood runs through your vein, he’s made your heart his home, my goodness! So, just tell me, what is that mountain that looks insurmountable or that valley that looks so steep? Bad days can’t stop me because I carry Jesus in me.

The reason I chose this topic was due to the fact that every single person, no matter who you are or where you are, you will eventually need Jesus. The fact is we can’t make it on our own, no matter how great your sense of wit is, how blessed you think you are, how fulfilled you feel, if you ain’t got Jesus- you’ve got nothing brother.

I am just an ordinary teenager who became extraordinary after receiving Jesus and I must tell you I had rolled with the infinitesimal mindset and was just living in the average when there was so much room at the peak for me, there is so little we can do on our own but the good news is; we are made sufficient in Christ sufficiency.

Some people live half of their life wishing they were somebody else or had a better family than they have now. Let me tell you something; they can’t be anything as better than what you’ve got now, if you don’t like what you see; make it become what you want it to be because only you can & stop wish listing.
You want to be the best in class- you admire those folks who get the awards but you just feel like it’s impossible, go tell it to God and let Him help you. You can also apply this in the labor market and family also, God is ready to help you break the status quo.
‘Discontentment is a catalyst for change’- Mike Murdock

Let me give us a very simple analogy: a state or country choosing a blind man to compete in the 2 by 100 meter relay in the Olympics with people who have their sense of sight intact will be one of the most absurd things ever. An infinitesimal mind will never see the possibility, but I tell you there is every possibility that the blind guy will bring home a medal. And even if he doesn’t get a gold, silver or bronze medal, he will bring honor and confidence to his people because where there is a will there is hope… trust me, the blind guy will bring an inexplicable aura to the stadium and everybody’s focus will be on him- that’s something already.

We are all people of influence because your actions influence people and their actions in turn influence other people and it just goes on. There are people who have influenced you directly and indirectly inadvertently in the good and bad aspect but we are left with a choice to either assent to it or become incongruous with it, why did I bring influence in? 

The world is like a big plasma TV and every single individual is watching someone at least so let us use this medium to show the world that yes- we’re a people of influence, who will set indelible footprints in the hearts of everyone we come across and pull great strides because we’ve got Jesus on our team.

We do not have an infinitesimal or myopic mind; we’ve got the mind of Christ!
God bless you!
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  1. You are already a positive influence to you generation. Keep it up.
    Insightful write-up.

  2. You are already a positive influence to you generation. Keep it up.
    Insightful write-up.

  3. Good one again. We are proud of you. The power of creative imagination finds expression in solitary loneliness. God agreed in Genesis at the tower of Babel that whatsoever humans think, they must do it. We have the mind of Christ and understand all things. Nothing is new to a man who thinks.


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