photo credit: war room archive

War room; I just had the privilege of seeing this movie, my goodness! God bless the Kendrick brothers. There has got to be a God in heaven. I am recommending this movie for everyone, of all age, it’s a must watch. I must add you should get a napkin by your side because you’ll sure be moved to tears. I feel blessed and refreshed having seen this movie.

The power of prayer can never be over emphasized; prayer is never us doing God any good, but the other way round. Prayer is practically us talking to God and Him speaking back to us. The time spent in prayer is what you can never get elsewhere; it’s a time to get charged up. Prayer is not a gruesome task where you have to be articulate, no; the Holy Spirit helps us with utter groaning that we can never understand.

War-room; there you have it, I broke it apart, a room were you war. From the movie a modern family was depicted having the usual family issues, dad was prideful with his success and accomplishments and mom was getting very embittered and intolerable with all of dad’s trouble, their 10 year old daughter here was not out of the picture she had to keep hoping and believing she was going to feel love again in her home. You just have to see this movie for yourself if you haven’t. You know what? God always wins. ‘To fight this battle a war strategy had to be drawn because victories don’t come by accident’- Clara    

War room; looking at it from a figurative angle, we all need a war room in our life where we fight our lives battle. No matter how contented or blessed you feel, there is always something to pray for. So, we fall on our knees and fight like warriors, because that’s who we are. The battle is no longer ours but God’s battle when we commit all things to Him, the enemy trembles when we fall on our knees and surrender all to God   because he knows the battle is no longer ours. Our weapons are hope and trust. ‘I am a warrior on my knees’- Steven Curtis Chapman
He is the king of kings and the Lord of lords, and I tell you the enemy trembles when you fall on your knees. Don’t be complacent when it comes to talking or praying to God, there is so much uncountable benefits attached to talking to Him. I want you to know that God loves you and it’s His amazing grace that keeps us; so, just call on the name of Jesus, the devil cowers at the sound of that name.

Religion is still looking for Jesus, but Christianity has already found him. You might not need to build a physical war room, but if you can that will be great. But, create one in your heart, make talking to God a habit whether in class, at home, on a queue, in the car, He will hear you I promise. I don’t have a physical war room either, but I’ve created one in my heart where I let God just take charge and I tell you, I’ve never had a cause to regret.
Dear lord, you’re God and your love for us is unmerited, but yet you still love us. Lord I pray for unity among those who love you, I pray that you open their hearts to see you, raise a generation of leaders that will be a light and proclaim salvation to their generation, raise armies and warriors lord, I pray through Jesus Christ our lord, Amen.
God bless you.
Please, feel free to drop your comments below; it sure goes a long way.
There is also link on my profile below where you can connect with me on twitter and face book.   


  1. Thank you for this. I have to watch this movie. Keep up the good work��

  2. Watched this movie bro.. And its like nothing I've seen before..the post lifted my spirit bro,create a war room I will.. God bless brother.

    1. Draw up your battle plan, gird your loins coz God's got your back bro.

  3. This is a wonderful review Itofa. I have not watched War Room and have had every intention, but have just not done it yet. And even several members of my Bible study/prayer group has watched and had shared such a glowing report on it.

    This is indeed a must. Thank you for sharing. A challenge for me to not keep putting it off! :)


  4. Amazing movie Carl! I trust you'd check it out. Thanks for stopping by.


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