Teenagers generally, are a special breed [I’d like to use it that way], permit me. The whole drama that unfolds in our lives is so fascinating; from the emotional, psychological and physiological changes, it is really fascinating indeed.
The Real Teen; basically is a definition of who we really are. There has being a “misconception” of who teens really are, and the funny thing is we’ve towed that path of misconstrue.  Now then ye are ambassadors for Christ… (2nd cor.5:20), that’s just who we are.
I am an ambassador for Christ. I didn’t come to fit in, but I came to stand out. That’s my creed it’s what I work with, people often say teens are obstreperous and it is really funny.
 When I hear that a particular teen is causing havoc in the home and is even given mom High BP I often wonder, not because of the display of complacency but at the shallowness of these average minds that has stereotyped teens as “obstreperous”. I am very certain that God knows and loves teens just the way we are; our curiosity to want to try new things, the feeling of wanting to get freedom from the four walls of our parent, I understand all of these things. I just want to be honest here because God sees our heart. Personally I don’t think I’m ready for adulthood, honestly. Thinking about raising family, caring for kids and all of that, it’s daunting to think about, it might sound a little eccentric but that’s just one person’s view. Raising family is one of the best things, Now unto him that is able to do exceeding  abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that is at work in us (eph.3:20), God is sure to help me when the time comes. But to top it all the food, I love my mom and sister’s meal, I won’t survive a day without it o! So don’t blame me it’s just what it is [funny, I know right]. What I’m saying in a nutshell to us teens is that the freedom we want to go out and explore will come to us at the right time. For those of us that are thinking of eloping, it’s just a pity because home is home and family is what it is. 
Peer pressure; you almost can’t talk about teenagers without talking about peer pressure, it’s almost a cliché, so let me see how I can Incorporate it with this piece. Peer pressure; I’ve heard a couple of people say; being a teenager is very difficult as a result of the peer pressure. So this fellow “peer pressure” who is he or she? In the most simplified form, peer pressure basically is that influence you get either positive or negative by your age group or people even older. Most people’s life has been turned inside-out as a result of the pressure exerted on them by peers. I have learnt recently that the race we are running is very personal, but that doesn’t mean we won’t help checkmate one another to ensure we are walking the right path because the bible says ‘Let brotherly love continue ’.
A whole lot of teenagers have completely obliterated the fact that the life we have here is temporal: the truth is, on the last day I’m going to stand before the Lord and every single thing I have ever done both the good and bad stuff all of it no one will take the blame or credit but I’ll. So why do you live your life trying to impress a bunch of people? Some of us go to the point of even compromising our faith, that’s a zenith for me. Let me share a personal experience; while I was still young around the age of 13 to 15 [I’m not yet old though], lol I was always grumbling about being a Nigerian with all the great stuff happening around, sure the things happening are indeed great, God bless Nigeria! So I asked God why Nigeria of all places [I’m just trying to structure it well, because at the time I asked it wasn’t funny]. He told me to look around which I did, there and then I realized I had to stop complaining over the things I did not have for me to get a foresight of the amazing gift God has given me. I was riveted at this amazing revelation and honestly I never looked back.
What am trying to shoot at in essence is that the devil will keep telling and showing you stuff that you feel you don’t have but the truth is you’ve got all you would have ever wanted, because you and I are children of the king of kings!
Some of us have heard of “insecurity”, it’s a bit ambiguous though but it’s simply lacking confidence and not feeling good about one’s-self, It sounds a little weird yes- I know but research has it that two out of every five teenager suffer from insecurity and that’s totally true. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God He loves you just the way you are, most people struggle for acceptance today and will go to any length to get it and that is why you will see people drinking, smoking, piercing, cutting and all sorts. Apostle Paul writing says: we are epistles to be read by the world that means your life and mine should reflect God’s life which is the good life. Christian life is boring, I’m sure we’ve heard people say that but in retrospect the Christ life is the best life you can ever ask for. The peace that comes with it and the fellowship with the father is so great – God is indeed faithful. You and I have so much that we can’t begin to imagine, there is an innate ability God has put inside you that can change the world – you are not too small to bring about this change. The reason why so many teens haven’t been able to fully tap into their potentials is because everyone is trying to be someone else. You are simply unique the way you are. God never made any mistake when he gave you to that parent, put you in that vicinity, gave you the friends you have, No! He knows you will function to your fullest that was why he fixed you there. If you remember vividly I earlier stated; you will never know what you have when you grumble about all the things around you, until you begin to appreciate God for all the things you have now.
You can only make it with God, this is not to criticize anybody but I want to point something out - success is measured on different scales; the fact that an individual has so much “wealth” to toss around doesn’t make him successful. There has been a total misconception of the truth, success is how much you can give back, what impact are you making, how many lives are you touching? These draws us back to mining our potentials and finding our innate ability, because that’s the only way we can give back. Life is in a vicious circle. All fingers aren’t equal have you ever wondered why? God in his transcending wisdom made it so He alone knew where the equilibrium point will be.
The teen era is one of the most crucial points in our lives. Basically it’s a foundation for adult-hood the decision made in this period is what you would live with forever. Academics will be the most perfect example that every teen will relate with, speaking of success; I’m sure in your class, faculty or department you would have one of those people that are often referred to as the “best”. These guys aren’t from space or from one extraterrestrial planet they have one head like you do. They have managed to stay on top because you have accepted it. The Law of Cause and Effect states that you become what you think. This is an absolute truth. Success starts with just a thought, so you see that anyone can be successful academically and otherwise.
Note: People who dream create momentum, while those who fantasize create inertia.
 Momentum is a state of action while Inertia is just a state of rest, those people we see and envy in our classes work extra harder to stay on top. Probably, while we are on our phones “social networking” they are busy doing something tangible. Don’t get me wrong am not saying social networking is wrong; in this the-an-age it is very helpful in learning and disseminating information. Let me let you on a little secret about me; I try as much as I can in a day to learn something new through studying, it might be my bible, academic work or something motivational, I then reminisce on what I have learnt. Knowledge is power! So you see, you can be the best in whatever you do; it starts with a thought and then the readiness to work. Inspire yourself to try something new!
‘I have the mind of Christ’ this is a very powerful proclamation and it goes a long way to reshaping our minds. Christ can’t fail so it means I can’t fail, that’s basically what it means (every teenager who looks up to God will have the greatest teen experience). I am the light of the world (John.9:5), light shines no matter how it’s being screened or shielded. Every son of God is born to shine so activate your shining mode by acknowledging God as your lord and savior.
One of my favorite scripture talks about our lines falling unto pleasant places, another talks about our bellies that out of it shall flow rivers of living water; literally that would be impossible. As a young teen, being grounded in God’s word sets you in high places it gives you wisdom that ordinary men do not possess and makes you stand out from a glaring crowd.
When I talk about being grounded in God’s word I’m talking about studying His word and not for the literary appreciation like some of us do. It’s getting to know who your maker is, His thought and plans for your life; but that is where most of us are lagging. The clichés of teen rebellion; I’m tired of hearing that. I personally believe no real teen has to go through that vicious circle- why? Because there is a way, the bible was written for all. Paul in one of his epistles wrote; believers are meant to be epistles to be read by the world; meaning, we are a reflection of God here on earth, so all of those folks ought to be picking a queue from us. 
God bless you and have a great day ahead!


  1. Very interesting.Thanks, Itofa. You're truly inspiring!

  2. Very interesting.Thanks, Itofa. You're truly inspiring!

  3. Meg you're inspiring too.. thanks for stopping by.

  4. Bro...really love what you doing here...make us proud


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