I am Gideon!

I pretty much just sat back laughing while I read the story of Gideon. A very honest man I must tell you, while reading closely I tried to pay intricate detail to the patterns The Holy Spirit left off. If you read His story from the end and back to the top, you will most certainly be sure Gideon was a really fit guy! Very fit, muscular - macho in today's colloquial term but guess what?! he was not, not even close! Why Did God still choose Gideon? Let me give you a backdrop of Gideons Story! God had saved the children of Israel from Egypt and brought them into the promised land, finally these people were settled and happy but you know what?! They forgot about God and started out by worshipping idols. This single act made God angry at them (Judges 6-8) and He caused the Medianites and all their neighbors to trample on them, not too long they cried to God for a savior again and this was how Gideon came in the picture. I can't even imagine the expression on Gide...