Home is not a place…

Home is not a place…

I was listening to the radio this beautiful Sunday morning while I was getting the car ready for church. The OAP (on air personality) was talking about thanksgiving –I had no intention of publishing any article today, it’s been a while since I wrote anything but I trust God wanted the day to start that beautifully. How have you been??

I just got back from church a couple of hours ago; a typical Sunday for me is returning from church, get a heavy lunch and spend the rest of the day in complete solace (cool right?). So, tell me how do you spend yours??

Like I said earlier; there was no intention of writing anything today but God had something planned out, Church was great by the way. The fuel driving me to write now was the beautiful family God made me realized I was in by letting it out through my baby sister-Oj. 
You might be wondering; are you just realizing?? Well TBH (to be honest) I knew a long time ago but I did not make a big deal out of it, meaning; I wasn’t really thanking God for it well enough. Please don’t be like the old Itofa (lol).

So here is the full drama that played out, not so much of a drama really; my baby sister’s friend, Tehilla, drove home with us from Church today and as usual everybody knew there was going to be a lot of shouting, correcting, crying, it just goes on. Personally, I just wanted to drive home grab my lunch and go to sleep… did it happen?? Capital No. God completely made something else out of it, here I am writing and the kids have really been chill- no tantrums or noise, so I did not win (smiley face).

Before I started writing I watched the girls play and laugh and I must admit it my heart melted speaking figuratively; the love this kids have was lucid, it was just beautiful watching them and I just said “thank you Jesus”. It made me realize that home is not a place it’s a feeling we carry around- any place can become a home.

I formerly lived in a world where I thought the fast cars, tinsel, and the most exquisite houses was what made a home what it is- I’m glad I’ve seen the light. I don’t need plenty of money to be happy- yes, money is good but never put money over family.

I am really grateful to God for my family and friends; this people will make you feel home- if you’re in Diaspora you’ll know what I mean.

Friend, take this week out, the rest of the month and even the years to come to look out and thank God for those who’ve made you feel home, these are rare people.  Thank you Jesus for every one of this people you’ve brought my way.


Ps: I’m sure you must have wondered why people never say “I miss house” but it’s “I miss home”; this is why.

God bless you

Kindly share your comment with us here; we’ll love to hear from you.


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    1. Wow... you remain a blessing...God Is seriously using you to touch lives.bro..living the God centred life opens our spiritual eyes indeed. Such a small observation..and look what we've gotten from that moment. What a gift.Eshe ghan


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