Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name (Psalm 100:4).

There is more than a million and one thing to be thankful for in your life – reading this is one already. You know what the adversary does? He makes you see only those things that are taking time to come into reality, you can’t help but to agree with me that my God is the master planner, He does not work by our chronological time and his thoughts towards us are only thought of good. Somewhere in the bible it says ‘if ye earthly fathers know how to give your children good gifts, how much more your heavenly father?’ This is just so reassuring for me.

We often times forget the bigger picture and just get carried away by the”now problem”; inevitably we will be faced with challenges but what will see you through will never be your “human intelligence” but God’s grace.

The big picture is: you are going to soar high than you can imagine, all you need to do is believe what God has said concerning you and that situation. Personally, I thank God for everything; the big and small, both the things that look like failure; because I know beyond it there is a miracle I can’t see, all of the successes; because I know it was God’s grace.

Thanksgiving is an attitude you should have because it confuses the enemy; what was seemingly meant to shut you down is what you’re thanking God for? Friends, it does put the enemy in a confuse state. You should know God loves you-this is why:

Maybe you’ve been praying for God to give you a job for the past two years but nothing has happened, you’re frustrated and feel like giving up, the devil is taunting you with all manner of thoughts and you’re almost loosing it. But friend there is an aspect you haven’t looked at, maybe God is preparing you to be the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company and He just wants you to garner experience from the outside in order for you to be able to proffer solutions to future problems in the company.

Maybe you’re a young couple and for the past five years you’ve been trusting God for a child and it’s looking like you’ve gotten to a dead end. There is also an angle you might not have looked at it from; God might want to bring a child whose got a great future ahead of him and He (God) doesn’t just want to pass that child through anybody but through you, and in order for that to happen you’ve got to learn in the waiting period and draw closer to God to enable Him teach you how to raise this great child.

It’s possible you’re a young adult and your dream is to go into the University to study and come out to contribute your own quota to the society but all the schools you’ve been applying to have been turning you down not just once or twice. Friend, you should know God has great plans in stall for you; It is more than possible God wants to send you to one of the top-most universities in the world on scholarship (that is studying for free), but you probably haven’t looked at it from this angle yet So, He (God) wants you to learn about greatness and excellence from the great and excellent One, God.

Only thanksgiving and praise can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, it’ll keep you going through the tough days and the enemy will sure be confused.

While growing up I had amazing plans and dreams for myself; one of them was to finish secondary school (high school) acing my final year exam and moving to the University of British Coloumbia, (UBC) in Canada to study Medicine. It is often said: “man proposes but God disposes”. This was my case, I planned on getting married to my Canadian girlfriend I was going to make in my final year in school, then have kids and just live life. But hey, God disposed my own plan because He had something better; it all started when I did not make all of the papers from my final year exam, it was a difficult time for me the next four month of this period was psychologically demeaning but you know what? God’s plan will always keep you astounded.

A lot of amazing stuff happened in my waiting period part of which was drawing closer to God and getting to understand the man I am becoming. These things formed the basis of my faith in God today; all of this great stuff that happened and is still happening in the last one year outside of high school was never part of the plan. In the early days of my “waiting period” I will sit and wonder what people thought about me now that I was not in the University, I thought I had disappointed my parents, I wondered what the next one year will be full of… different thoughts just saturated my mind and I had no idea thanksgiving and praise confuses the enemy.

When I said amazing things happened to me in the last one year outside of high school I really meant it literally; I met amazing folks I never thought could be possible (am keeping you guys for life as God lives, fam love), I became a certified filmmaker(cinematography, directing, scriptwriting, etc), I bagged the award for the “best young filmmaker” -not only that, I also got the privilege to star in movies and short films with ace actors, I also started driving (amazing stuff). One of the grand moments: I was a GNCY performer at the Nigerian centenary celebration, I lodged in exquisite hotels were I was given VIP treatment with other amazing young adults and kids because we were performers at the presidential villa in my country (Nigeria), I did not just perform I met and hanged with your Nigerian celebrities this did not just happen once or twice… all of these happened within the space of a year, I couldn’t even mention all.

I hope this piece must have shown you that there is a God in heaven whose thought is only full of good intents for you. Thanksgiving prepares you for what God has in His store for you, remember He is God. Have you told God about the problem? Well, if you have just start thanking him right away because you’ll be blown away by what He has for you…if there was nothing you took out of this article, please remember my story, God did it. By the way, I’m going to be entering the University to study medicine sooner than you expect by the grace of God; I haven’t stopped thanking Him so don’t.
Carry an attitude of THANKSGIVING and live your life glorifying God.
Thank you for reading, God bless you.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes. My dear. You are right. I am grateful to God for giving me you.


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