Ye are light of the world!

Hello everyone; how is your week going? Great week I tell you, God’s been good.
Today we are going to be talking about a simple subject-- “us being a light to our world” you might be thinking; is it not this same topic I’ve heard and read like a dozen times? Hold up brother. It’s not as easy as it sounds and besides you never know what God will be saying to you this time.

If you are a Christian and you’ve got no relationship with God, my friend you’ve got to go back to the drawing board and fix it, God loves you! I can’t call myself a full writer yet because what I do here is just a piece of my heart & the truth is; the fact that I write here does not make me more holy than you are and the fact that you’re the one reading this doesn’t make you less holy, it’s all grace.

People see me and say all nice things like; “Itofa, you are doing a really great job with the blog, it’s such a wonder”.  As much as I will love to take the credit; I just can’t because it’s not Itofa folks, it’s God! I’m just the guy in front of the camera; God took care of everything behind the scene.

I just needed to clear that; so, next time you think about Itofa and his blog remember it’s God. It all just makes sense now why God despises the proud- yes, you might be thinking I’ve forgotten about the whole ‘light subject’ thing I wanted to talk about, no! If you’re a success now or you’re on your way there, let the whole world know it’s Him (God), if you passed an exam; you got an ‘A, B or C’, my friend it’s God. If you are such a great writer or even an actor; my friend it’s all God. He’s given you a tool He (God) wants you to use in reaching the world. So, lower your head and know it is God.  

Success is very intoxicating and it’s so easy to forget the people we left behind; I still don’t know why I wrote all these but I hope it blesses someone.

Now, to the subject ‘light’; we all have that bible passage we love so much; for some, it was just that easy passage to remember. So, let me ask; have you ever tried memorizing a page or a verse in the bible? I have. Sometimes, two days later I can’t even remember a thing. You know what? You don’t study the bible because you want to be commended by men or you want people to know how endowed you are with the bible; it’s all a waste of time. The best way to always remember a verse is to try thinking about it- that’s what we call meditating; you can dissect the verse, do incision on it and ask the Holy Spirit questions. You’ll be shocked when you hear God speak to you, the first time I heard it- I was sent into euphoria, and it was so real. God is indeed Love.

I want to show you what Mathew said about us being a light to our world;

13 “Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.

14 “Here’s another way to put it: you’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as a city on a hill.

15 If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand.

16 Now that I’ve put you on there on a hilltop, on a light stand- shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.  (Mtt 5:13-16) MSG

This for me is just it! The MSG bible just x-rayed that verse, I just had to read it over and over again. God calling us ‘light of our world’ means it’s inherent; it’s in you. The fact that the world thinks it’s ok to do stuff does not mean its ok! I know that pressure to just want to be accepted by everyone; the fact is ‘I did not come to fit-in but I came to stand out’.  

The big question: how can I shine my light??

It’s pretty simple; ‘when you genuinely accept Christ, you’ve become one of God’s candles that will light up this dark world’. There is something I’ll like to point out; everybody can be called a Christian but not everyone can be called a light. So I’ll really love you to pause now and just take out this time to introspect (evaluate yourself), have you really been shinning? What do people think you represent? What mark have you left off for people to see? Do people know you’re on the ‘J-team’ (team Jesus)? Does your presence make any impact in the life of someone?  

I trust you’ve been able to answer them whole heartedly; our imperfection is what makes God a perfect father. Don’t bother going through the guilt trip when you mess up- Jesus is right there to help all you need do is reach out. Confess your sins unto God, for He is faithful and just to forgive all sins (Jn 1:9); this is one scripture that has helped me every day and I’m given it to you too.

There you have it! Wake up every morning asking God to help you shine this light at school, in your office, in the home, to your friends and your counterparts and even our enemies (you know; Christians aren’t suppose to have one) - so let’s just say; those folks who don’t like us.

Ye are light to your world; let’s make a difference in our little spheres because God is counting on us. Let’s not just be different but let us be the difference…

God bless you!



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