Hey guys, I hope you are doing great. A lot of things have been happening lately, good things if I must say I promise to keep you posted just keep your fingers crossed. So, today I decided to write about The Green Life- taking a cursory look at this picture above I couldn’t help but notice the detailing in the shot above which prompted me to write this post. Looking at the picture I could almost feel the rushing wind and the rays of the sun on my face simultaneously, not forgetting the tweeting sounds of the birds and the clapping of the branches as it casts a motion shadow on the earth beneath them; one word for this - beautiful!
God in His magnanimity made nature and as a photographer I get the privilege to really appreciate all of those things in nature that the ordinary man or eyes might not see. Ever heard of the Zaire basin of central Africa or the Amazon basin of South America? All of that thick vegetation, my goodness, God is indeed God.
The Green Life is synonymous to the life we live as humans. When God made you and I He made provision for a limitless life, meaning; there is no height to which you can’t attain it’s all just in the mind. When you think God what comes in mind is inexplicable because we still don’t have that adjective yet that will be able to encompass His greatness (am proud to be called His son).
 If you fail to try you’re trying to fail” am sure you must have heard of that popular sentence or nugget. To be honest I try to think like a billionaire, (laughs). As at the time I was writing this post I was already eighteen years old and three weeks so I can call myself a legitimate adult right?, Lol. Speaking of billionaires I often wondered how these folks got to make it big, because if it was that easy we would have had our streets full of billionaires roaming in it.
The green life entails freshness, wholeness, peace, fulfillment, success, just mention all the good stuff you can lay your hands on plus I did not mention the fact that heaven is sure for you. Now all of these things are found in Jesus.
The world measures success by the physical things; you know what I mean but let me let you on what true success and happiness is in (Mark 9:22-23)
The spirit often throws him into the fire or into water, trying to kill him. Have mercy on us and help us, if you can”.
“What do you mean, ‘If I can’? Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes”.
My whole concern in this story is “Anything is possible if a person believes”. That was the word of Jesus, it was categorically stated.
Yes, I was going to talk about what true success was all about but let me just lay down some few facts; why do the so called “successful people” as the world puts it still do drugs, live a life of promiscuity amidst all the wealth they’ve amounted, why do they still want more? And some of them still go as far as committing suicide. It’s simple; they are trying to fill a vacuum that was originally meant for Jesus with the wrong stuff and until they come in contact with the savior all isn’t going to augur well for them.
Success is always going to be measured by money or the material things. What I personally want is the green life, I might have no money in my pocket but I’ve got king Jesus which means money is going to answer to me and not the other way round. Christians or individuals are pushing Jesus away and going ahead to compromise thinking that’s the best route. Let me let you on a secret in the bible it says: seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you (mtt 6:33).  If you make money your priority you’re just going to keep going round it and you’ll never get it but when you come to the center and make Jesus your number one focus you are going to generate an energy that will exude a charge and it’ll attract all things good to yourself.
Irrespective of where you are right now: we should all desire the green life whether in the labor market, at school, colleges or even in our homes.
Remember, Jesus is the key
Stay fresh



  1. Breath taking. No words bro.. I really needed this post,lost focus for a time being..but this post has reminded me of the big picture.. God bless fam.. You're a legend

  2. Thank you for this Itofa. This is really refreshing to read. You really have your perspectives in the right place. You are indeed very, very wealthy with Jesus in your life.
    God bless, and thank you for sharing! :)


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